Government Translation Services
Here is a sobering fact: all across the nation, government agencies are coping with budget cuts. Now, more than ever, agencies are faced with higher expectations and decreased funding.
Fortunately, Translations ABC is a company that specializes in handling these agencies’ delicate translation needs with precision and sensitivity to budget constraints.
As a Government Contractor, you are only one-two degrees away from POTUS, from the center of the most powerful country in the world. Your work resonates around the globe. With constant high-pressure, high-energy work, you have no time to lose, no time for error.
You need a dependable translation agency that knows the ropes, understands required protocol and translation methodology as though it is part of its DNA, an agency with access to thousands of qualified professional linguists—many possessing security clearances.
You need a translation agency that understands and respects your need for on-time, highest-quality content, an agency that never delivers excuses but always delivers the results you need.
Located near the heart of Washington D.C., Translations ABC is ready to make you look great and establish you as the go-to person for complex, multilingual government projects. Backed by over 36 years of professional translation service, Translations ABC presents you with the all-in-one solution. Our forté is handling multilingual, multiple-team projects from start to finish.
And, we can handle yours.
Strictest confidence
Your work requires the strictest confidence. We understand, respect and follow your strict protocol and translation methodology for every government assignment you entrust with us. Being compact means greater assurance of security for you: only those absolutely required for your project have access to your materials.
Speaking of protocol, we always begin with a signed NDA. Government contractors who have already entrusted Translations ABC with their work know that we treat highly sensitive information and confidential material with the utmost respect.
And, because we have handled many complex government assignments, we allot the required extra time for management and strategic planning.
When you contact us for the first time, we help you fill out a form detailing your specific requirements. On the day we deliver your multilingual, multi-faceted projects, they meet your specifications exactly as you specified.
Streamlined and focused
There is a mistaken belief that only large translation agencies can handle government contracts. For over 36 years, Translations ABC has proven with its highest-quality, on-time delivery of complex projects and its high customer retention rate (over 97%) that this belief needs to be deleted from existence.
We never describe our company as small. We describe ourselves as compact: no energy-guzzling inefficiencies to cause unnecessary churn which might delay your project or bloat the bottom-line expense to you. Streamlined and focused: that is how we work.
Just what you need.
Trusted, professional linguists to meet your requirements
Our database contains over 4,000 professional linguists—4,000 carefully screened-by-us linguists, linguists who must pass our strict quality control before reaching the inner sanctum of Translations ABC database. Our carefully screened professional linguists possess a range of credentials and certifications. Their status: either U.S. citizen or green card holder. Many have security clearances.
Now, that is peace of mind.
What other government contractors say about Translations ABC
7,500+ pages of time-sensitive translation
"After an extensive market survey of available resources to meet our needs, we selected ABC to translate 7,500+ pages of technical manuals and training materials into Castilian Spanish. Working during a compressed holiday timeframe, ABC assembled a qualified team and worked to achieve our aggressive schedule. At the appointed time to deliver our vehicles, ABC was ready with all of the required documentation.
CSI is extremely pleased with the quality, professionalism and level of communication demonstrated by ABC throughout this critical process and would not hesitate to endorse their consideration for provision of time-sensitive translation services."
John Wesley White
Director of Contracts
Critical Solutions International, Inc.
Prompt, precise and fairly priced
"In recent years of needing a prompt and accurate translation service, we have found Translations ABC to be the best around. Courteous, timely, precise and fairly priced, we have been completely satisfied with Translations ABC and will continue to use their services and highly recommend to others."
Maltianna H. Livingston
Contrack International Inc.
Highest quality, on-time delivery
"I just wanted to tell you how pleased we are with the translations you did for our company. Our business depends on accuracy, and your translations were of the highest quality, and were delivered on-schedule and with superb customer service. Thank you for assisting us in meeting our goals."
Vinnu Kudva
Senior Marketing Manager
BSI Management Systems